Qu's MarshAlmost directly north of Lindblum�s Dragon�s Gate is a marshland. You can get a new party member here. Go through a few screens and you�ll meet Mogster � you can check lessons here or get directions. Walk into the brush and proceed forward through it. You�ll come to a pond area with a creature in pink that looks vaguely like Alexandria�s head chef. Talk to it and you�ll learn it�s hungry � maybe you should catch it a frog? After you�ve caught a frog talk to it again. Now you�ll meet Quina, a Qu of the marsh. When you give Quina the frog, Quale, this Qu tribe�s master, comes and chastises Quina. Now you have the option of bringing Quina along in your party. Currently you only have three in your party so why not? You�ll also find out a bit of Vivi�s past. There aren�t any items here, but you can catch Frogs � the key to getting Quina�s best weapons is catching frogs. Also the effectiveness of Quina�s frog drop attack depends on how many frogs you�ve caught. When catching frogs you�ll need to leave at least one male and one female frog in a pond so they can reproduce and make more frogs for you to catch. Read more about catching frogs Here. Return to topReturn to FF9 Main Page Return to FFExodus Main Page |