The Philosopher's Guild is a continually growing collection of thoughts, ideas, history, and mythology articles. As this section is just starting up, there are currently no articles submitted. Any writers with a desire to expound upon any final fantasy or video gaming topic is welcome and wanted in helping this section inform inquisitive minds and reach its full potential.
To submit an article please e-mail: guild @ ffexodus.com.
4/15/2017 FFXII Walkthrough Update - Dalmasca Estersand
4/15/2017 FFXII Walkthrough Update - Barhiem Passage
4/15/2017 FFXII Walkthrough Update - Nalbina Dungeons
3/3/2017 Work begins on the New FFE!
2/20/2017 Zidane Estheim joins the FFE Team
Our Forums are now host to the FFXIV Free Company Clan Centurio!
Feel free to check it out for content and info regarding FFXIV.
Bar2a Yunie
Clan Centurio