Hovering far above Pulse, is Cocoon. Sanctum Fal'cie guide, protect, and care for the human populous of Cocoon. Fear of Pulse resides in the hearts of the pampered masses. When word of a Pulse Fal'cie buried in the center of one of their towns spreads the government takes action by sanctioning the Purge. All citizens living within a given radius of the contaminated area are rounded up and exhiled.
The Pulse Fal'cie has taken unto itself l'Cie. Pulse l'cie are enhanced humans chosen by the Fal'Cie to carry out its Focus.
Heroes gather for different personal reasons to take down the Pulse Fal'cie but instead become chosen to be l'Cie and fall into a path that may lead to the end of Cocoon and the world as it is known.
PS3 - Japan: 2009; US: 2010
XBox360 - US: 2010