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Once you're through the opening cut-scenes you'll be in control of Yuri. Right behind you is Al and Meeth's home/library. Around the corner to the left is a save crystal. If you wish, explore the library and speak to Stiltzkin (to the far right). To continue head up the stairs and speak with Latov twice. You may also explore your own home which is behind Latov.

Hill Caves

Now it's time for your first dungeon. Proceed to the far right of town and take the exit.

The helpful moogle gives you a stamp card and then teaches you how to unlock the door. Enter the caves and go through the cutscene.

Go through the battle tutorial and then move down through the area, fighting Mu's as you go. At the bottom you'll find a chest with 10 gil and Round Corn. Fruits and vegetables are a one-time HP or MP boost and cannot be stored. Next, read the sign and jump on the button to open the door. Proceed to the next room.

The chest to your left contains 20 gil. Read the sign and then push the block into the gap. Cross and read the next sign. Now go up the slope to your left and jump on the button. This releases a boulder that opens the next door. Continue to the next room.

The chest to the far South-East corner in this room contains 10 gil and Round Corn. The chest at the very top North corner contains 20 gil. The switch in the center of the room unlocks both Locked Doors and also releases two Mu's for you to fight. The only original Open Door to the North takes you to a room with a Save Crystal. Save your game and make sure to speak to the moogle for a Stamp. Now go back to the previous room.

Take the South exit. The doors lock behind you. To open them you must defeat the Skeletons in the room. The chest in the North-West corner contains a Copper Shard. The chest by the North-East exit contains 10 gil and Gourd Potato. Go through the door.

Proceed to the North-East Locked Door. Smash the spikes to open it and go through.

In here break the two white barrels for a total of 20 gil. Use the third white barrel to jump up on the high ledge and open the chest for 10 gil and Gourd Potato. Then smash the barrel for 10 gil. Tip: If you accidentally smashed all the barrels there is another one across the bridge. The second chest in the left side of this room contains another 10 gil and Gourd Potato. There's also a chest in the water that contains Refined Copper. Now head across the bridge where you'll face off against two bombs. The lone barrel on this side contains Gourd Potato. Walk around the bend here and smash two more barrels for 20 gil. Then push the block to the wall and hop up. The chest here contains 10 gil and Star Carrot. Climb the ladder and hop the gap to the right for a chest with a Refined Copper scroll. Now go through this exit.

Now you'll be on a high ledge in the room that had the spiked door. Move past the sign to the key and toss the key down to the lower level. Hit the switch to lower the ladder but don't go down yet. Hop left across the ledges to reach a chest with 10 gil and Striped Apple. Drop down and use the key to open the Locked Door. Go into the next room.

This area is a high ledge in the save point room. Push the first block off to the left to create a step up from the lower portion of the room. Push the other block forward to unlock the North Locked Door and go through. Make sure to save your game.

Fight the baddies in this first open area and then grab the chest in the corner opposite the entrance for 10 gil and Star Carrot. Climb up the slope to the far left and push the button at the top to release a boulder. You don't have magicite so you can't open the Locked Door with the Red Globe next to it. Note: See the extra note at the bottom of this page for what's behind this Locked Door. Drop down to the path the boulder broke through and defeat the enemies here to get a key. Use it to unlock the last Locked Door. Enter to face your first boss.

BOSS: Metal Scorpion

This boss can't really hurt you unless you're in front of it. That said, it's easier said than done. Keep running around it to avoid its laser and lunge attacks. When it's focused in an attack you can cut in and let the boss's rear have it. Carefully attack when its in motion and avoid getting pinned in corners. If you're low on HP there are chests with food in the corners. Once defeated the boss drops a hoard of treasure. When you're done gathering goodies examine the shining Open spot to continue.


After you have a second party member you should return to the Locked Door guarded by the Red Globe. Use your magicite to unlock the door. Note: Make sure you have at least 7 Fire Magicite remaining after unlocking the door. In this room you must first light the 7 candles - this raises a platform on the opposite end of the room and releases a group of skeletons. After beating the skeletons jump up to the lowest part of the staired ledge. Have your second party member jump on the first party member up to the high ledge. Run around the ledge and use Al's magic needle to make a platform appear. This jump is rather tricky and might take a few tries. First kill the bomb on the opposite side with magic and then make a running jump from the platform to the far ledge. You'll be rewarded with a chest containing Thunder, Fire, and Blizzard Pockets.

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