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PLEASE NOTE: This section is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION! We will be frequently posting new information to this section as it is created. Until an entire category's missions are completed there will be a "Done" section added for each mission at the end of each category table. A "*" indicates strategy is available, whereas "N/A" indicates that mission has yet to be added. We appreciate your patience and patronage.

Mysteries of the World

Subcategory # Name Chapters Level Time Reward Done
10.1: Cactoid Secrets 10.1.1 Where's the Cactuar? 4-10 11 N/A Muscle Belt N/A
10.1.2 Kactuar? 4-10 16 N/A Champion Belt N/A
10.1.3 Cactuar Found 4-10 19 N/A Cactus Thorn N/A
10.2:Tonberry Quests 10.2.1 Find the Tonberry 2-10 16 N/A Silver Armlet N/A
10.2.2 Tonberries Everywhere 2-10 19 N/A Ghysahl Greens N/A
10.2.3 Master Tonberry 2-10 21 N/A Tonberry's Knife N/A
10.3:Fun in the Sun! 10.3.1 Vacation Time 7-10 24 N/A Dark Matter N/A
10.3.2 Vacation for Real 7-10 27 N/A Ghysahl Greens N/A
10.3.3 Please Make It a Vacation 7-10 32 N/A Hero Drink N/A
10.4:More Fun in the Sun 10.4.1 You Need a Vacation 7-10 35 N/A Phoenix Down N/A
10.4.2 We Hope It's a Vacation 7-10 37 N/A Mythril N/A
10.4.3 Is It a Vacation Yet? 7-10 44 N/A Adamantite N/A

10.1:Cactoid Secrets

Where's the Cactuar?


Cactuar Found

10.2:Tonberry Quests

Find the Tonberry

Tonberries Everywhere

Master Tonberry

10.3:Fun in the Sun!

Vacation Time

Vacation for Real

Please Make it a Vacation

10.4:More Fun in the Sun

You Need a Vacation

We Hope It's a Vacation

Is It a Vacation Yet?

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  Missions Intro

Shinra Electric Co.

Monster Research Project

Genesis's Forces

To End the War With Wutai

Hojo's Lab

Seeking Precious Items

Seeking Priceless Items

Zack, the Materia Hunter

Great Cavern of Wonders

Mysteries of the World

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